Bringing Christmas to UCA
2020 has been a year, am I right?!
This year has been hard for everyone, but some families have been hit harder by the events of this year than others. That is why this year we are adopting a handful of families from UCA to bring a little Christmas cheer to!
The Families
This year the ABG is hoping to adopt 10 families from Urban Christian Academy, but we need YOUR help!
Adopt or give
There are two different ways you can help out this year:
1) You, your family, OR even a bunch of your friends can adopt one of the 10 families we are helping this year by bringing them gifts from their wish list.
*Families range from 3-6 people*
2) You can donate money towards the families. Any family that is not personally adopted will get gifts hand selected by the ABG using your donations and then we will personally deliver the gifts to the families!
We know adopting a large family may not be in everyone’s budget, so if you still would like to get involved but can’t adopt an entire family, donating money that goes to a family to help buy gifts is also very helpful!
how to
Email and tell us how you would like to get involved today!
Need a refresher on UCA? Watch the video below or read our previous blog post HERE!
looking for other ways to support!
Follow along!
4328 Jackson Ave
Kansas City, MO